Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Nearly a Year on........

So its been nearly a year since my baby sister took her own life.

In fact it is a year to the day since I last saw her alive, its strange I can just picture her stood in my mums kitchen with a face on......it was a fluke that I saw her that day, I had darts finals night and had to go because our team had won the league, mum had bought tickets for us all to go to dancing on ice the tour and James was going in my place. Unfortunately James was rushed to hospital and Emma took his place....so my two gorgeous children managed to spend a wonderful night with their Aunty Emma which is a great memory for them.

I feel I have turned a corner in my life now and finally getting over this horrible mess, I know at any point I will be knocked side-ways but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. My nanna has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and yes that has thrown me but as usual I dust myself down and pick myself up again.

Not a day goes by without me thinking of my sister but the tears are not as often although when they come they hurt just the same.

Its nearly 6mths since I last wrote my blog and thats testament to the recovery I am making.